
This book format translation of the King James Version of the Gospel According to Mark is only 37 pages long. Mark is simply that short. And not only is it short, it is fast-paced. So if you want to read one of the gospels from beginning to end as a book, without being interrupted by verse numbers and other features that were not part of the original Greek manuscripts--this is the place.

Why read Mark? Most agree Mark was the first gospel written, Matthew and Luke both used Mark as a main source for their gospels, and it is the Apostle Peter’s account of the life of Jesus written during Peter’s lifetime by Peter’s disciple Mark.

Ye Old English pronouns and other such words thou wouldth findth cumbersome have been translated here to current pronouns and words, so it is much easier to read. But know that extreme care has been taken to translate as little as possible and not change the meaning of anything, because the King James Version is a well respected translation of the original Greek--and an easy-to-read, good translation of the original Greek is the aim here.

Ryan McDaniel
Copyright 2012